"I believe all women are pretty without makeup, but with the right makeup - can be pretty powerful" -Bobbi Brown
I said I would go makeupless for as long as I could. Honestly, I did think it would last more than a week. Yet the reason I went back to makeup, is not because I thought I necessarily feel prettier with it on, it is the mindset I have when I wear makeup.
I got my first piece of makeup when I was 11, my sister bought me a Miss Sporty concealer. Then I went and bought myself a mascara and I still use the same mascara today (obivously it's nearly 8 years later so it's a different mascara but same make) because I love it so much!
Now, I do not consider myself an expert at makeup at all, in fact half the time I don't even think my makeup looks good, I just enjoy doing it. One of the main questions I get asked is "what are your views on makeup?" Truthfully, I do not really have an opinion on makeup.
I come from a family full of girls, we have a very strong girl gene ; honestly think it is impossible for our genetics to have boys. This therefore means, myself, my sisters and my cousins are all going to be very different. Personally, I am very girly. My wardrobe consists of skirts and dresses, my nails are always done, my hair freshly highlighted and I never leave the house without at least a bit of makeup on. This does not mean I am self conscious, it's just what I like. Yet, I have cousins who are very sporty and don't dye their hair and who hardly wear any makeup. I do not believe there is a correct way to be. I'm happy how I am and my sisters and cousins are all happy the way they are. We are all beautiful, just in our different ways.
So, I thought I'd set myself the challenge of what it would be like to not wear makeup and also to not use heat on my hair.
There was a change I felt . However, not in myself.
My insecurities come more from my body, my weight and my figure has been something I struggle with. Although, whether I am wearing makeup or not does not really affect my self confidence. It's just something that is there.
I am a morning person. My bestfriend Megan came on holiday with me last year and she is NOT a morning person whatsoever (love you Meg) and one morning I ran into her room with my phone blasting loud music and I pulled the duvet off her. I found it funny, on the other hand she did not.
Waking up early, doing a workout, having a shower and doing my makeup has been part of my everyday routine for about 4 years now. So last week, really threw me off.
I felt so unmotivated. My mood was really low. I just felt really down and sluggish.
The thing is, since being in isolation, I got ready everyday just as if I was getting ready to go to sixth form. So not doing that just made me feel really useless. All I did all day was lounge around in my joggers and eat chocolate and watch TV. For some people, this is what they enjoy doing and this makes them happy. For me, I have to get up and get ready for the day and be active otherwise I am a nightmare to be around.
This is why I love Bobbi Browns quote. It's not necessarily that I feel ugly without makeup, it's the fact that when I wear makeup, I feel in control and motivated.
I'm glad I trialled it out, doing new things is important. We're all wired differently and that's really what is beautiful.
Hope you're all keeping safe during isolation , sending lots of love and hugs.
All my love, Anna Ruby xx
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