19 lessons in 19 years

 This last year of my life I feel I have really matured and grown. alot. 

Alot of these lessons I feel I have actually learnt this past year but oh well.

Here are some little nuggets of wisdom to share with you on my 19th birthday. Hope they speak to at least one of you xo 

1.) Don't sweat the small stuff

So many things we stress about are not worth it. This is my circle of questions. "Is this life threatening" "Is anyone injured" If the answer is no - it is not worth stressing over.

2.) Enjoy those around you

Relationships break up , people change, It sucks. Yet so often we are so consumed thinking about these people and we forget the people we have around us. This is something I am still working on till this day. Appreciating those I have around me. 

3.) Appreciate every little thing

Every moment. Everybody. Don't waste your life away wishing for the next big event to happen. Enjoy every little moment.

4.) Say the words 'I love you'

On the anniversary of 9/11 about 6 years ago I read something that has really stuck with me. Many people that day would have been in argument with someone, holding a grudge against someone, or just even feeling alone. They wouldn't have had the chance to tell those they love that they love them. Ever since then I've made a habit of doing this to many people around me . Love is a serious thing and not to be used or said lightly however love is CARING. Wanting the best for someone else, and I want this for every single person in my life.

5.) Remember we are only in this world once

Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, we are only in this world once. Make it worthwile.

6.) Don't hold grudges

I cannot stand bearing a grudge agaisnt someone. Yes there are people I really dislike and people who have really hurt me. But if I ever was to come into a situation where I had to talk to them, I would, and I would do it nicely. Holding grudges is honestly such a waste of time. 

7.) Care what people think about you but don't care what people think

I feel like we should care what people think about us. Surely we all want to be good kind people? However, do not care about what people think about how you live your life and the way you dress. There is a strong difference.

8.) Not everyone is going to like you

This one. I struggle with. And I am still learning 😂

9.) Sleep really sometimes is the best thing 

Honestly, your mind is is so much clearer once you've got sleep. I used to try and sort everything before I fell asleep and this never worked. Once I established a good routine for sleeping I realised that sleeping and waking up with a fresh start is the best thing.

10.) Drink Water (lol)

I am an advocate for drinking water. I honestly do not understand how some people get to 2pm and haven't had any? I drink a litre as soon as I wake up! 
11.) Take your vitamins

Not really much to say here but they are extremely important.

12.) Cry

cry cry cry it out. and do not feel bad about it.

13.) Smile

I hate wearing a facemask as I smile at everyone I see 😂

14.)You can be your own superhero

You do not need someone else to say they are proud of you when you can be proud of yourself.

You do not need someone else to pick you up when you are perfectly capable yourself. Be your own role model, your own superhero.

15.) Your mind is the strongest thing you have

Mentality is everything. Nothing is stronger than your mind.

16.) Don't give up on people too easily

You never know what someone is going through, stick around. Let them know you are there.

17.) Embrace the change

I have never been someone who is good with change. I like things to be the same. Yet I have semi learnt that things in life do change, they always will so we need to embrace and learn to live through the change.

18.) Do not overplan

overplanning is me to a T. If things do not go the way I have planned I will flip out. You could even question if I have even learnt this lesson...

19.) Resilience 

My 18th year was tough. I had to be a tough cookie. So when you need to be resilient - go and grab a cookie :) 

all my love always - Anna Ruby xx 
