coronavirus lessons

"maybe this is a time for humanity to reflect and to recharge"

1.) We take so much for granted
If you live in England like me you will be fortunate enough to live in a first world country. Other countries, have to always live in a time of economic distress and health distress. Imagine this always being our life.
Usually, we can go to our local Tesco and not worry about there not being enough food for us. Yet now, we walk into the supermarkets and the shelves are virtually empty. This has made me realise how much I take food for granted.
Other really material things to me such as getting my hair done, my nails done and my eyebrows done. Vanished. It makes us see what is truly important.
Even some people in England will be living in poverty, more than we may know. How can this teach us to help them?
I hope when this is all over , we are thankful everyday for our blessings.

2.) Social media can be used for good and not evil
People can be cruel. The amount of hate I see towards people on social media makes me sick. No wonder mental health rates are so high these days.
Yet the coronavirus has bought people together in ways social media has never before. Communities are being built and people are leaning into eachother. It is beautiful to see.
I hope when this is all over, we continue to use social media for spreading love and not hate.

3.) People are SO important
I miss people!
There are certain people I know who are constantly on their phones. Now, I am on my phone a lot , but not when I am around people. Screens get in the way of conversations.
I hope when this is all over, we will learn to go out for a walk in nature, with someone we love, and not be distracted by the screen in our pocket.

4.) Enjoy the slower pace
Sometimes I think I am the busiest person in the world. I seem to have an incapability of saying no which means I am always doing something!
Yet I am sure it is not just me who feels like this. It is quite nice actually, to not have any responsibility on my shoulders.
Maybe this is a time for humanity to recharge and reflect. Maybe this is a way of telling us as a society to slow down and to enjoy the finer things in life.
I hope when this is all over, we learn to love the wonders of our world again.

5.) We are all going to have our battles 
Everyone is going to go through something in their life that breaks them. Fact.
This seems to have broken everyone in society in very different ways.
Use this opportunity to see how you can best help your friends and family. Then when the time comes when they need you most, you are fully equipped.
I hope when this is all over, we all know who one another is.

After possibly having Coronavirus this is what I learnt. My symptoms included, achy muscles, persistent cough, loss of taste and smell, extreme exhaustion, high fever for a week.
Please stay at home if you have any of these symptoms.

Take it one day at a time.

all my love 
anna ruby x
