
happy valentines day
How many people is this actually applicable to ? Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of valentines day. I love , love. I am probably the most huggable person ever to walk this planet. I tell my friends and family constantly that I love them. Yet, I do this everyday, I cannot understand why we only have one day where valentines is seen as such a big deal.
I thought this valentines would be harder for me. But it actually was not that bad. 
I just treated it as another normal day. 
If you are single on valentines day, or single in general, honestly do not stress about it.
After my recent breakup, I missed who I was when I was with him. But honestly, I am thriving on my own.
You to can thrive on your own - I love being single!
Valentine day is just another day in the life of you. Love who you are.
You are uniquely and wonderfully made. Like I say, you have to love yourself before anyone else can love you.
I'm telling you that if you are single on valentines - it is okay.
Valentines day may also be hard for people who have lost loved ones or had tragic events happen in their life.
My opinion on valentines is that it is just another day to tell people you love them as you should tell them everyday.
I read something a few years ago someone posted on the 911 terror attacks. It said this. "Tell everyone you love that you love them , whether you're on good terms or bad terms as you never know what your last words to someone will be."
That hit me right in my heart.
So now, that is exactly what I do.
Are you going to start doing that to?
Love should be for everday- not just for valentines day.
all my love anna-ruby x
