
i honestly thought this woud be an easy topic to talk about
but as i sit here, at my desk with my new lemon seented candle burning away i am stuck for words. if you think about it , happiness is a truly controversial topic. I speak in all sensitivity in realising for some people you can't just 'snap out of it' or simply 'be happy'. 
I deeply sympathise.   
When i was 15 i started battling with depression and i have suffered different anxiety disorders my whole life. I was told by my family and my friends to snap out of my mood , to stop being silly, to just stop crying.
that is not what i am here for.
I want you to know :whether you're undergoing intense therapy for a mental health issue; if you just got out of a relationship; if exams are stressing you out or whether you are just having an off day. 
There is a light at the end of the tunnel

I want to truly distinguish the difference between happiness and joyfulness. The oxford english dictionary definition of happy is Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. the definition of joyful is Feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness. 
now you may not see much difference but after analysing the different mental states i have come to the conclusion that joyfulness is internal and happiness is external.  Joy can be cultivated and more consistant whereas happiness is triggered based on your surroundings.

Joyfulness can be felt without happiness
what? how? you may be asking these but this is true. when you are joyful you are thankful and rejoice in every situation. Now don't get me wrong, happiness is a great thing . In fact i have made a 31 day challenge of happiness. Today ( day 6) is to make time to speak to an old friend. However happiness will never satisfy you deeply.
joyfulness grows inside of you : for it to sincerely flourish it needs some practice.

1.) mindfulness- doing a quiet meditation or yoga exercise makes your mind thrive. you can do it for 3 minutes a day and your mind will be in a mental state of gratitude and joy.

2.)gratitude- every day. I cannot stress this enough! This world has so many amazing things and there is so much we are blessed with. 3 things a day. be thankful 

3,)find your safe space- my safe spaces are writing, doing exercise, baking and playing piano. Where are your safe spaces?

4.)practicing acts of kindness- whoever thought being rude and nasty was cool is wrong. you never know whether just saying hello to that person on the bus or writing a letter to someone might make their day.

5.)be your own best friend- love yourself and look for your strengths whilst trying to ammend your flaws.

so even though you might not be happy , you can still be joyful.
remember that.
lots of love anna-ruby xx  
Chibird: CHIBIRD
