There is one trait I have that i am not proud of
Jealously. Yep, I get EXTREMELY jealous.
Ever since I was a little girl and I'd go round my friends house I'd think "why can't my room be this big?" "why can't I have that toy" "why does her mum stay at home with her whilst mine always works?"
Going into my 17th year i still feel this jealousy. However it's with different things.
There is one part of my body I hate and i do not use that word often. My thighs. Whatever i eat will go straight to my thighs or hips and I get so self conscious as it is the total opposite to my waist or stomach. No matter how much I work out or try to be healthy they just don't change and it's something I'm just going to have to accept. I have a lot of friends with extremely high metabolism and I'll see their posts on Instagram and i will feel genuine jealousy. They're happy with the way they look.They can fit into jeans without feeling like a whale. I should be happy for them right?
A good friend would be.
If someone you love is happy or doing well , isn't it the normal reaction to be happy for them?
Let me give you another example I am sure everyone from the age of 15 plus will understand.
It is a fact that today in a GCSE class at least half the students will feel overpowered by their peers because they do not feel smart enough. Going to university and seeing all the people on your course who have it sorted and are amazing at that one thing you study.
So you get jealous right?
You start to wonder why you can't be like that.
You're not happy for them.
Here's where my favourite thing to talk about comes in. EMPATHY!
Say you get your English and your Math grade back and you get both A*'s. You'd be ecstatic. Then your bestfriend comes along and screws her nose up and walks away because she got a B.
I'm being totally honest in that i think that friend can be me. I have to work so hard at school to scrape C's and some people just get it and can swiftly slide along life with straight A's and it does really angry me!
But if I really consider myself a christian . If i really think I am a good loving person. I should be happy for others!
So should you. This is a challenge to me and to you.
Let's learn to be happy for other people. To love one other the way you want to be loved.
Lots of Love Anna Ruby xx
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