All my life I've only ever known two countries
Obviously as I live in England so England is one of them but I've really only ever been on holiday to Crete. I went to Norway when i was 7 and I've had the odd day trip to France. I went to Portugal when I was just under one but thats it.
Alot of my friends will go to a new country every year and love to explore it.
For me , travelling TERRIFIES me.
I like structure and routine so going back to my Aunties Villa in Crete is perfect. I also know all the restaurants all the people and I feel at ease.
As we went to the airport on Friday this overwhelming feeling of panic dawned on me.
I realised: I don't like planes, I don't like visiting new places and I don't like feeling trapped (as in on a plane)
When I got to Portugal i was so tired and I straight away wanted to come back to London and normality.
However my thoughts changed entirely!
I fell in love with the beauty of the country and i tried to challenge my negative thoughts but thinking about how privileged I am that I could get on a plane and visit a new place.
I guess the point on this blog is for me to encourage you to face your fears!
If you put your mind to it and challenge your thoughts your fears are just your fears but your courage is so much more powerful!
Although I don't think I will be travelling to any new countries soon, when I'm older I definitely will feel more comfortable.
Face your fears and Live your life.
Lots of Love AnnaRubyxx
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