In life there are good days and bad days.
Some of us have more good days than bad days, and some of us have more bad days than good days.
If ever I have a bad day it will affect my mood 100%. I'll think because I've had a bad day I have an awful life and obviously this is not true. I am so fortunate to have so many people around me that care about me and want to see me happy.
However there are some times you need to make your happiness yourself.
There are a number of thing you can do if you're having a bad day to cheer yourself up again :)
1.) Think of all the things you're grateful for
If you don't know I have a gratitude account on Instagram called annasgratitudechallenge.
I've had it for a year now as I was given the idea a month after my 15th birthday, I was in a rough place and thinking of something every day to be thankful for i found really difficult.But that is the point. By the third week of doing it for a month I was a different person. And now I instantly am thankful for everything. Also If I'm sad i go back and read (and even though some posts make me cringe as I was a very different early 15 year old than a 16 year old) they still make me happy. I also still post on that account if you wanna give it a cheeky follow ;)
2.) Call a friend
My poor friends. The amount of times I've called and facetimed and ran to their houses or begged them come round mine. But that's what friends are there for right?
And I'd do it for them anyday. Some times you just need to cry (and maybe scream and shout and slam things sorry Megans door) but that's okay because we're all human and we all have feelings so
Because believe me you will feel better.
3.) Listen to your favourtie music
We all have different music taste. My music taste is very um special I'd say, but I still want to give you my top 5 songs to listen to if I need a bit of a pick me up :)
-Five -Keep on movin (thanks Dan Brown for playing this to me on numerous occasions)
-London Grammar -Strong
- Oh Wonder - Plans
-Florence and the machine- Shake it out
-Sara Bareilles- Brave
Some christian songs I like are...
- Hillsong - Even when it hurts
-Kari Jobe - I am not alone (big shout out to Josh Stidwill for introducing me to this one)
- Rend Collective - Joy
4.) Go out for a walk in nature
Exercise and nature are always things that can boost my mood.
Go out in a nice park (I'm so lucky to live near Richmond Park and Kew Gardens) but if not just go and look round all the nice posh estates in your area aha.
5.) Do one of your favorite hobbies
Doing something you enjoy and something you're good at will make you feel good about yourself . I like to go to the gym, do some baking, do my makeup (may sound weird but oh well) edit some photos and play the piano :)
6.) Do something nice for someone else
I'm like the most cringe person to ever live but this is something I love doing. writing letters or postcards to people and seeing other people happy is just something I live for. But of your gift isn't writing then a text to see how someone is I'm sure is much appreciated.
7.)Write it down
This tip was given to me when I was 14 and I used to hate it. I never liked having notebooks of stuff in my room that was all my emotions and because they were so horrible I didn't want them surrounding me. But when I turned 15 and got semi-maturer I found it really helped. Some times I would write it down in a notebook but sometimes I would just get a plain piece of paper write it down then cut it up again. May sound crazy but trust me it get's it out your system then you cut it up as if to say goodbye.
8.) Eat healthily
I eat healthily not only for my body and figure but for my mind. I'm writing a blog on this soon so I won't get too into it but I do find if I eat fruit and drink loads of water rather than crisps and coke I am much happier.
9.) Look at memories
Now for some people this doesn't work as it could make them more sad. But I am a very sentimental person and memories make me so happy. I like looking at my sisters wedding, or when my niece was born. I look at my wall of Polaroids and see my birthday, Crete and contagious (a camp I go to over the summer) and see all my friends and family . I also love reading old cards or listening to old music, there's just something special about it
10.)Know you're not alone
You have your friends. You have your family. You have this post. You are not alone

Lots of Love Anna-Rubyxx
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